jueves, 3 de abril de 2014

How to destroy approach anxiety

How to destroy approach anxiety
Approach anxiety has to be the number one reason why some guys cannot get the success they want with women. If you’re afraid to approach women, there’s no way that you’ll be able to attract one into your life. In this article, I will show you how you can overcome approach anxiety once and for good and be comfortable when it comes to concentrate on how to get girls

The main reason why guys feel approach anxiety is that they’re afraid of the outcome. They fear rejection and they put too much importance on being accepted or rejected by women. The truth is that there are millions of women in the world and being rejected by one doesn’t mean much.

It doesn’t mean that you’re inadequate and it doesn’t even mean that she didn’t like you. Did you know that some women will reject you out of an auto-pilot response? Beautiful women are so used to being approached by losers on an everyday basis that they usually assume that you’re one of them.

The mindset you have when you approach a woman is very important. You should have a playful mindset and focus on having fun rather than getting her into bed. You should be more concerned with how to attract women rather than how beautiful she is. If you have a playful mindset and that your goal is to have fun, your approaches will be easier and you’ll be satisfied as long as you had fun in the process.

However, I do not want to lie to you here. Overcoming approach anxiety takes time and the only way to really get rid of it is by getting rejected so many times that you become numb to it. That’s the only efficient way to get rid of approach anxiety I know. I know this may seem brutal, but that’s the way it is. But the more you get rejected, the less you will feel bad about it. If you’ve survived it before, you’ll survive it again. Check out the blog letshaveadrink.co if you'd like advice about approaching a woman. The biggest issue with guys is that they fantasize and idealize the women that they are about to approach before they go up to her. They build too much expectation and they psyche themselves into not going up to her so they don’t shatter their fantasy.

You should have absolutely no expectation before going up to a woman except that you’re going to have fun and have a friendly conversation. Second, you should never attribute too much importance to a girl because of her physical appearance. Physical beauty doesn’t make her any better or worse than you. You should be aware of all the great things you have to offer that she would be glad to have into her life.

You also have to understand that nothing horrible will happen if you approach a woman, even if it goes wrong. The worst thing that could happen is that she acts rude or just ignores you. Either way, you will survive. Even if a girl doesn’t like you, she’ll usually be polite about it. So don’t make up nightmare scenarios in your head of what could happen if you miss your approach, the outcome will usually be better than what you’ve imagined.

Overcoming approach anxiety is the most important thing you have to master if you want to be successful with women. To get women, you’ll have to be proactive and practice your approaches until they’re perfected. But remember that being rejected by a woman isn’t the end of the world; it’s actually an opportunity to learn. If you manage to remove the emotional charge that comes from being rejected, you’ll become more comfortable approaching women.

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